Our "Do You Wah"
(The Lockdown version)
Contest !
Hi Everyone,
While we're keeping our social distance from one and another, and honing our chops at the same time, we thought it would be a great time to have our 3rd "Do You Wah" contest !

The contest is three fold in it's intent -
During this "Heepy Lockdown", lets break away from the current state of affairs just a bit, crank up our Wah's and play to maybe the largest audience you ever have !
2nd) - You'll be judged by our "panel of distinguished guest judges"
Your performance will be judged by Mick Box, Davey Rimmer, Ace Trump (Mgt) , Sean Baldwin (Mgt) , and Dave White (Webmaster).
3rd) - To come up with a winner.
The winner of the contest will receive (aside from the accolades of 1,000's of Heepsters all over the world) a very cool prize, personally picked out by Mick and sent to you as soon as it's possible depending on the situation of the postal services, etc.
We will also share your performance if you give us permission !
The Contest Rules
Our contest is designed to bring out the best "Mick Box" in you. We want to hear you Wah the night (or day) away !!
1st) You don't have to play anything from the Heep catalog, but it would be more fun for everyone, we're pretty sure if you do.
2nd) You need to play solo
Just set up your phone or recorder and wail for a while !
We're not looking for a video or audio clip from your band - we're looking for your performance you created just for this contest. In that regard, we will be requiring to see or hear you announce "This is (Your Name) and here is my 2020 Do You Wah Entry" Maybe describe if your performance is an original or something from Heep.
3rd) Keep it between 45 seconds to a minute in total length
This requirement will allow for faster uploads from you and will also allow us to process your entry quicker so everyone can see or hear it if you win! (If we love it so much and want to hear more , we'll contact you :-))
Well, that's all there is to it !
Please send your entries to webmaster@uriah-heep.com and if you for some reason can not e-mail your file, write to Webmaster Dave and he will help you to get your file to us.
You can use the large file sharing services such as https://www.hightail.com/ or https://wetransfer.com/
We'll run the contest for a few weeks to give you time to put together your BEST Wah Solo !!
If you win, we'll contact you and get your contact info, and whatever else we need to get your prize to you.
Legal Stuff:
You (the submitter of your file , referred to as "your performance") warrant that if your performance is not related to a song by Uriah Heep, that you either specify and attest to the your performance is your own originated material, and/or that you are not infringing on any other persons' previously written, released or copyrighted materials.
Uriah Heep, it's management, families, staff, or related entities are to be not held in any way liable for the use of copyrighted materials out of the scope of this website contest.
By entering this contest, you also give us permission to reference, display, or otherwise share on social media your performance at our discretion.