Lennart Samuelsson, Sweden
Hi Mick,
Long time fan, if I count right I think I have seen UH 9-10 times in Gothenburg area, first time 1985.
My question is, during the years I think (correct me if I am wrong), you have never stand as composer alone for any UH songs, why so? What part of music composing do you want to split with others? And a short bonus question, Which part had David Byron in the composing of July Morning?
Rolf - Bergen, New Jersey, USA
Hi Mick. I'm a Uriah Heep fan since the early 70s. I believe the period where the band created masterworks like Look at Yourself, Demons & Wizards and The Magician's Birthday should be regarded as some of the best rock music ever by a group My question is, outside of the extended set the band recorded at Shepperton, why is there so little film/video of Uriah Heep performing back then? Might there be a treasure trove lurking in the basement of Bronze Records or yours perhaps? I certainly hope so and would love to see those moments released. Thanks and cheers.
David Nelson - Sante Fe USA
Greetings! Like many folks I prefer the early days of Heep overall, although I do enjoy music from every Heep era. I know this can be tiresome for musicians who have been around long enough to hear these thoughts. What I wonder is: Does the wonder and sense of exploration still live within?
Elver Gobbi - São Paulo, Brazil
Which songs you recorded and you love the most, but unfortunately ends up being out of the band's setlist?
John Poulin - Dover , USA
Hi Mick, just wondering with so many different line-ups over the years were there ever times when you just wanted to say
enough is enough.
Ronan Patrus - Belo Horizonte, Brazil
Mick, the solo that you make in a song Salisbury is fantástico.
Tell us about the construction of the solo and your contribution to the song.
You are amazing!!!
Barry Bertocki - Austin, Texas
I’ve been a fan since seeing Heep open for Savoy Brown in San Antonio, Texas in 1972. The latest album is amazing and I wanted to ask where you find the energy at your (our) age to produce the energy and enthusiasm so evident on the album and on stage? Flying over to see the London show next October. Keep rolling the rock!
Ciro , Curitiba Brasil
What was the mood behind Firefly? Why so introspective?
Mirek Formacek , Manakin Sabot, Virginia USA
Mick, have you been offered to be a part of the Rock and roll Fantasy camp? ( I would be the first to sign up!!!!) Thank you
Joe - Glasgow, Scotland
1st Question:
How many guitars do you have ?
2nd Question:
If you could borrow a guitar for the day from anyone from the past till the present who's would it be and what is the first tune you would play on it ?
All the Best
Wee Joe
Golan Beeri, Israel
I met a dude 20 years ago in a pasta factory who told me he saw you Heep guys as an opening act to Hendrix in a film in a cinema.
rue or false and where about?
Boris Arseno - Quebec City, Canada
Hi Mick! Hope everything is well for you. As I was in heaven when the Heep came to Quebec City in 2018,I wonder if I can expect The Heep to be back in Quebec in 2021-2022 or so when that covid thing will be over and touring aloud back? Maybe with Mike Carparelli this time! :-) Take care my friend!
Maxine Marritt - Sheffield, UK
When are you going to come back to Sheffield last time I saw you was when Journey supported you on their comeback tour
Steve Cave - Rugeley, UK
Over the years live recordings by the mighty Heep have released, these have been with David, John and Bernie on vocals. Nothing official has been released with John Sloman and Pete Goalby on vocals. Has there ever been recordings made with the latter and if so would they ever be made available. Having seen the band with all the vocalists except for Steph Fontaine it would complete my library of Heep.
Gabi - Cracow, Poland
Hi Mick,
My name is Gabi and I'm 17. I'm a beginner guitarist and a big fan of Uriah Heep. I saw you first time when I was 12 and it was really wonderful. I fell in love with Uriah Heep.
My question for you:
Do you have any advice for beginner guitarists?
Greetings from Poland ❤️
Graham - London, UK
Hi Mick, what is happening regarding ticket holders for the cancelled Palladium dates next month please? Tried to contact Ticketmaster many times but no reply.
Many thanks
Guillaume Journot - Paris, France
Hello Mick ! Hope you're all getting well !
"The Magician's Birthday Party" recorded in 2001 was a wonderful moment but we only have 12 tracks on CD ! Do you know if there is a chance one day to have a great CD pack with all the songs played this evening ? Apparently "Lady in Black" was also played with the great Thijs van Leer at this occasion. Is there a record for this song ?
Thanks for your kindness and your eternal smile !
Oliver - Duesseldorf, Germany
Hi Mick,
First of all, thank you very much for all your efforts to keep in touch with the fans. Let's hope that there will be concerts again soon. We are on "cold turkey". Here is my question:
A friend and I go to every concert if your in the west of Germany or the Netherlands and we always wait for "Circle of hands". Why do you never play the song? Don't you like the slide guitar solo? It's a real classic and it would certainly please many fans. All the best to you and the whole group. Hope to see you soon
Nils Henrik Teigen - Tønsberg, Norway
Hi Mick,
I've been a Uriah Heep fan for almost fifty years and have seen the band live on numerous occasions. The first album I ever bought was Look At Your Self, and became an avid fan of the band from that moment. In my opinion, I think that the song Look At Your Self is one of the greatest rock songs ever made and stands the test of time like a rock. The fantastic percussions of Osibisa is the icing of the cake on the song, and it still after nearly 50 years gives me enormous pleasure to listen too. My question is: How did the cooperation with Osibisa come about, and how was it to work with them in the studio. Did you have them with you on stage back in the 70's or was it just a one off with the 2004 Magicians Birthday Party.
Thanks for all the great music through the years.
Max - Kyiv, Ukraine
Whose idea usually to create and make tour books (programmes): band, label, management or promoters and why lately the band doesn`t have it on every tour?
Símun Sørensen - Faroe Islands
Hi Mick, I have a question about The Ten Miles High album, is this just outtakes from the Lawton period, or is this a record that did not finish.
Luke Korczynski - South Australia
Hello Mick. I'm a huge fan of Uriah Heep, and was wondering where I can purchase your Lps. More specifically 'Demons and Wizards' and 'The Magicians' Birthday'. I've been looking now for ages, but can't seem to find them.
Jessica - Gardiner, Main USA
Have you ever been to Maine?
Philip Jenkins - Ashford, UK
Dear Mick, when growing up , why the guitar and no other ?
Please, thanks lovely to hear from you
Tom Kay - Hull, UK
Hi Mick
I grew up listening to Heep when I was just a little boy in the 90’s. I know this question will infuriate some fans but would you ever consider playing anything from the Conquest and Equator albums? They seem to be marmite albums with Heep fans but I think there’s some great tracks on both. Maybe pull a song out for the 50th Anniversary tour?
All the best
Bill Iannello - Detroit, Michigan
Has Bernie ever sang Sweet Lorraine? It is one of Heep's best songs
Charles Dinwoofie - Capr Town South Africa
Hi Mick any chance is you guys playing in south Africa again?
Hemmo - Kotka, Suomi
Hi Mick! Who sang lead vocal on "Lady in black" live? David or Ken?
Oliver Rantaniemi - Torshälla, Sweden
Hey Mick, i am a young heavy metal maniac and Uriah Heep is one of my favorite bands, and my question is when did you hear the term heavy metal and do you like Heep being called heavy metal? i know Heep are many things and you cant really put a genre on Heep, its all rock n roll right? but Heep has done a lot for heavy metal and music in general.
Sorry for the weird english, Cheers from Sweden :)
Giancarlo - Firenze, Italy
Hi Mick when will you come back to Firenze. I missed the last concert
Mihail Kochanov - Bulgaria
Hello Mick,
You seem in fine shape now but after in about 50 years you will have to retire from music. Would you want Uriah Heep to continue with no original members or would you like it to end?
Örjan Hall - Frösön, Sweden
Tell us the story when you were expected to record "Wise Man" for Top of the Pops in 1977 and you were in
New Mexico at the time
Timo Lehtinen - Helsinki, Finland
Hi Mick!
I continue to be mesmerized by Gary Thain's playing. He played boldly, delivering a lot of notes, and yet every note sounds exactly right, making Heep's music three-dimensional, and airborne.
I am wondering, what kind of process was it for him to work out his bass parts? Did he ever screw up? What was it like to work with him? Please share any memories you might have about him. There's not enough talk about this genius of rock bass.
Timo Lehtinen
Joe Kelly - Saratoga Springs, New York USA
Two of my most precious memories are attending Acoustically Driven and the first All-Star Magician’s Birthday Party concerts. I have them both on VHS tape, but sadly the DVDs are out of print. Has anyone every considered reissuing them with remastered audio and Roger Dean artwork in a BluRay boxset?
Crowdfunding and interest for that would probably be very high!
Vlad Fischer - North Bay Canada
Hi Mick, you have been a true champ of UH holding it together for all this time. Have you ever been tempted to quit Uriah Heep especially in times when David, Gary, Ken, John etc... left the band? I hope you don't mind this perhaps uncomfortable question.
James Mccafferty
Hi mick, been a Uriah Heep fan for over 45 years, your music is still awesome to this very day, I'm just wondering over the years, I've been following Heep, is there any group or artist you would have loved to played with, past or present, or you have regrets not doing so, like Trevor playing with Bowie. Lee with Ozzy, Ken with Livefire. etc.
Would just like to know if you had any fav bands or artists you would have loved to play with. to me you are one of the finest guitarists Britain or the world has ever produced.
Keep going mick you are a credit to the music industry.
Bye Mick.
Long Live Heep.
Dave Hafner - Maplewood Minnesota, USA
Hi Mick. I would love to read a book on the biography of Uriah Heep. There are a few. Which would you suggest as the best and most accurate?
I have always thought Deep Purple, Black Sabbath, and Uriah Heep were the top three bands in the day, but Uriah Heep was my all-time favorite, and I thought the best of the three (by far)!!!
How is it even possible that Uriah Heep has to fight to get into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame? And why is Mick Box not mentioned as one of the best rock and roll guitarists of all time?!?!?
I missed you guys a few years ago and would give my right arm to see you and the band. Heard you may return to the U.S in 2021 or 2022. How can I be sure to catch you next time? Join your fan club? Please put the Twin Cities (Minneapolis and St. Paul) on the tour schedule!!!!! Thanks for keeping Uriah Heep alive and thriving Mick!!!! Dave Hafner
Aleksey - Saint Petersburg, Russia
Warm hallo!
My question about this article, where David Byron said that was invited to Deep Purple?
I found this on Facebook but haven't heard of t before.
Did you know about it?
All the Best,
Scott Haskin - Las Vegas, Neveda, USA
Hi Mick! I am truly enjoying this Q&A and your Lockdown Diaries - thank you! I was curious if you had any thoughts on the song Poet's Justice from Demons and Wizards. The mood, the music and vocal are all so powerful and it is a particular favorite of mine.
Thank you and stay well!
Manfred Gerhold - Guxhagen, Deutschland
Hi dear Mick,
Ist the Lady on the Foto your Mother?
See you soon.
Ruth Samuels - Kent, UK
Hi Mick, Trevor Bolder said in an interview that he loved being in Uriah Heep and fitted right into the Heep family! Do you miss him in the band as you two looked like you had such fun?
Tony Cestaro - New Albany, New York
Thank you for answering my question. yes your right, with the virus going on it shot down a lot of Tours/concerts. as for other bands to tour, with Whitsnake - Uriah Heep would be a great tour.............take care.............Tony
Joe Kelly - Saratoga, New York, USA
Hey, Mick! I heard you say a new recording may be in the works. Any chance we can coax one more 10 or 15 minute EPIC piece out of the band? Peace!!!
Dave Kesseler - Wilkes-Barre Pennsylvania, USA
Mick, with the constant touring and grueling schedule and eventual burnout of the members of Heep, how did you personally deal with this?
Thank you and keep on rocking!
Jay DeHaven - Mooresville, North Carolina, USA
Hi Mick,
I've been a fan for many years and was lucky enough to attend your show in Rocky Mount, Virginia at The Harvester Performance Center (unique venue, no?) with my wife and daughter Melinda ('nuff said!) in 2008. Remember? You dubbed it the "moonshine capital of the world"' lol....anyway, here is the question: I really like the song "Hard way to learn" from the Japanese edition of Into the Wild but I can't find a copy of it. Are there any plans to release that song in the future on CD or download? I could ask a million questions but I'll leave it at that. Thanks for your time and please come back to the states; especially near North Carolina. Stay Safe!
Jay DeHaven
Dennis - Bristol, UK
The Uriah Heep 2-CD remaster/reissue releases from Sanctuary seem to have stalled, with The Magician's Birthday being the last one. Will there be any more any time soon, Mick? Thank you!
Wayne Donnelly - New Zealand
Hey Mick you remember me the one who wants you in New
Zealand ,My friend as I can call you that now you have replied lol.
I have tried to contacted your managers to no reply ,but you know I wasn't expecting it .But I thought I would give you a bit more of a run down about me .I have managed my own band for 30 years plus ..And as you know we are very small ,witch makes for no easy feet ..We are in the process of releasing a double album vinyl of all our stuff and a introduction cd ..
Anyhow I have contacts with other bands here our top band Devilskin .. I would love to know what you think ,I have composed a list I think would draw big crowds .As I live here a lot secluded we get left out a lot ... Robin Trowel ,Y@T ,Yesterday @ Today these guys because their great ,but also as I feel a lot would go to see them for the fear fact, they are more well know than ever ,young and old.
And maybe not so expensive I don't know ,I have direct contact With Dave Y@T also . Manny has his own mean band ,he also keeps in touch plus still plays under the great Nazz ,I also feel he deserves to get out there a bit for some recognition, No disrespect, to the other boys as I see you tour with them a lot ,And also Martian Turner Wishbone for the same thing as Manny ,plus I have been following Martian Turner he seems like a fun guy ..
So I would love to here what you think of a tour of all these bands ..I would love if we bantered on line get people talking so when this colvid thing dies down we can keep them up ..Talk bout what bands we would love to see extra ,,your idea of T shirts to help bands roadies extra love those ideas .. Let me know what you think cheers bro ...
David Sumeray, London UK
Hey Mick, What are your most memorable concerts in both a positive and a negative sense?
Dave Ellis, London UK
Hello Mick great to see you are still rocking out. I've only seen Uriah Heep once Donington 1982 I became an instant follower. My question is do you still have the pink striped trousers and what memories do you have from that day. Much love and respect. Peace
Carlos Pereda, Orlando, Florida USA
I just read your post about 'RED ALERT FOR LIVE MUSIC', and that brings to a very old question: Besides the band members, how many more people (roadies, engineers, etc.) travel to all the destinations UH has. How is the logistic of shipping heavy/big equipment (drums, speakers (?), etc.).
Örjan Hall , Frösön Sweden
Hey Mick!
What's your memory of the Chateu Studio in France were you recorded the Sweet Freedom album?
Terje Pederson, Oslo Norway
Does Mick remember he was interviewed by the Presbyterian Church in the US back in 1976. And did he know it was released as a single afterwards? The single was Heep on one side and Foghat on the other.
PS: I got the single 😊
Best regards Terje Pedersen Oslo, Norway
Clive Arnold, Folkestone, UK
The fans love the classic Heep how do you put together a mix of new and old .
What did you have planned for 50 anniversary tour now sadly postponed.
Johan Nandelstadh , Stockholm, Sweden
Would you ever play "Time to live" from Salisbury?
It is one of my favourite Heep- songs,
Cheers Johan
Ismo Parola , Finland
Since UH has so many fantastic songs to listen many of us would surely like to learn to play those songs. And I mean also those songs witch were not the score breakers.
It is possible to have some day the complete (so far) collection of Uriah Heep songs incl. the sheet music, lyrics, tabs chords, drawbar settings, the lot? Well, I know it’d be a helluva job but if one would consider it as a mental care taking during this damn covid...
Thanks in advance and wish you all a good health!
Alan Metcalf, Portsmouth, UK
What is your approach to practice and rehearsal? You have been playing for a while now, do you still feel the need to practice on your own and with the band?
Manfred Gerhold, Guxhagen, Deutschland
Dear Mick, my name is Manfred and I am 68 years oLd. Im living in Guxhagen in Germany. I'm a fan of Uriah Heep since Gypsy . Will you Come next year for some concerts to Germany?
I'm looking forward Your Answer.
I love Uriah Heep. I hope to See you soon.
Your fan, Manfred
Alan Metcalf, Porthmouth, UK
Morning I saw you back on 1st June 1971 at the Tricorn in Portsmouth. I was 19 years old, and I have to say it was the best live performance I ever saw during that era (loud and strong). Can you remember the set list? and did anything stick in your memory from that day? It was where I met my future wife so it sticks in my memory.
Mick Blizzard, Solihull, Uk
Hi Mick, Do you remember David “singeing” his hair from the huge flash box on stage at Birmingham Town Hall back in the early 70’s ?
Gave us all a giggle
Stay safe mate, see you October 2021
Dave Zlotoryja, Poland
Hi Mick. If you were also a magician :) and could choose one past member of UH (alive or deceased) to play an encore with you, who would you ask to join you on stage and which song would you play?
Socrates Maathaiopolos, Greece
Hi Mick, I am a big fan, show you once at Athens at about in the midst of the previous decade, I was wondering if you could tell me what was the experience that inspired you as a band to write 'Tales' - which by the way is a favorite- from 'Magician's Birthday'
thank you
Lars Good - Sundbyberg, Sweden
First of all, big thanks for your greetings video when i turned 60 this summer.
Could be the best present ever !! My question to you is, you have any plan to write your biography about your life with Heep. Thanks in advance
Tapio Keihanen - Helsinki, Finland
I'm a huge Ronnie James Dio fan and I also absolutely love Heep too. I saw Heep first time at a festival here in 1990 (saw Dio on the same stage three years earlier) and spotted a baby in a stroller there. The baby was rocking in the stroller to throughout the gig so heavily that I thought the stroller will tip over! It didn't but I'm sure the baby became a life-long Heep fan right there!
For some reason, I've always found Rainbow's Temple Of The King and your Lady In Black very similar to each other. Musically they sound different, they don't have anything in common lyrics-wise, but I still find them somehow very similar to each other. Needless to say, I love both of these songs. The question is: Do you find any similarities between these two songs or is it just me?
Mark Nickell, Smyrna Tennessee
After all these years of performing live, do you have any jitters/nervousness/stage fright right before a show? Thanks.
Alan Keetley - Granada, Spain
Hi Mick, I have often wondered, if more could have been done by the management or band members to halt the decline in health of both Gary and David. Of course I realise much was done, but in hindsite could more have been achieved?. After all, all your careers could have potentially been ruined because of these problems. Hope you don't mind such a deeply upsetting question. You know we all love you!
Gerry - Carol Stream Ill, USA
I love David Byron's solo album Take No Prisoners. Any memories of Man Full Of Yesterdays?
Alex Cameron - Seville, Spain
After nearly 50 following Heep I came across a Lady in Black collaboration that you did with Iris. It was phenomenal, a fusion that really rocked. Are there any collaborations that you've done, either with other bands or individuals, that you are particularly proud of?
Jan - Silkeborg, Denmark
Hi' Mick
I've seen Heep A LOT of times over the years, a few times where you have supported Deep Purple. I always thought that if I were Deep Purple I wouldn't have Heep to support me, you playing so weel as you do ..
But anyway, my question is: I know you use the ENGL amps and the Carparelli guitars, but why is that ? I know ENGL produces som fab. amps, but so does Marshall and other guys on the market. Is it becauce the last better touring or ..? And how did you end up playing the Carparelli guitars? They look smashing and sound brilliant, have you gotten your guitars customized or ..? ;-) All the best Jan
Andy Martin - Doncaster, Yorkshire, UK
Hi Mick.
Been a big fan of Heep since 1971, when i bought the look at yourself album. I would like to know what your favourite album is during the seventies and eighties, and which of the more recent albums do you think is the best.
Cheers Mick
Mark - Weirton, West Virginia, USA
Mick what tuning and what chords do you use with the beautiful song Paradise?...God Bless. Mark
Lorenz Oberfell - Germany
Hi mick. I'm a great uh fan since 50!! Years. New songs. New CD.? New Germany tour.
Bis bald. Gruß Lorenz. (sorry my English)
Darren Preece - Palm Bay, Florida , USA
Hi Mick ...... I have been a Heep fan for many years and seen you live in various places from Blackburn to Castle Donnington to Germany and others ..... I am a fan of all of Heep's singers, John Lawton being my favourite but I wanted to ask what did your short time singer Steff Fontaine sound like, was he more a Goalby style or higher like Shaw ...... often wondered, and I hope Lee Kerslake is OK ..... he is a legend like you.
Uwe Witzemann - Esslingen, Germany
Hello Mick, are CD's or DVD planned for the 50th anniversary?
Brent - Ontario, Canada
Hi Mick! I Have Been A Big Fan Since 1974 and Would Like To Know If The Band Would Ever Consider Doing That
Great Epic Adventure of a Song "SALISBURY" Live With A Small Orchestra? Or Maybe Even The Full Album Live?.
Your Friend The Byrd
Giorgio - Dublin, Ireland
Hi Mick, I am a Uriah Heep fan from 1980 when l saw your band on stage in Udine - Italy, from that time l bought almost all your records to know better the songs and the sound evolution of the band through the times.
Here l like to ask you : the first album is for me one of the best ever, hard rock, jazzy and blues.. a very good deliver concept.. Why just after a while the sound changed in more soft or pop songs? Your Gipson SG was played amazing from you.. Which year of make was that? I hope at some stage to see you all again, maybe in Ireland on stage or for a good glass of wine - Cheers Giorgio
Mark, West Haven, USA
Hi Mick, are you enjoying the renaissance of vinyl records?
Olga - Odessa, Ukraine
What's your favorite guitar? Which guitar is the oldest?
Elke Beiküfner - Essen, Germany
Hello Mick, this is my question to you and all other Heeps: How do you write songs - music and lyrics? Is it a more spontaneous or a more planned process? What inspires you, which are your favourite subjects? Hope my question is interesting to other fans too.
Many thanks and beautiful summer days :-) Elke
Stuart Bewdley - UK
Would you consider another UH celebration for the 50 year anniversary, similar to previous ones in London hotel setting with previous band members attending/Performing, Q&A, auctions of memorabilia etc
Tony - Kentucky, USA
Hello Mick. love your music for years. i fell of the grid, but found you again, with the great album: Awake The Sleeper and
Living The Dream. my question to you is: When are you guys going to come back to Louisville, Ky. ?
Right now i only have DVD's to watch.
John - New Jersey, USA
If you had to do an album all over again, what would it be?
Larry - Tennessee, USA
Hey Mick! I forgot to ask you this question at the Meet and Greet last year! In your early years of learning guitar, did your hand size cause any issues for you moving about the neck! My thumb and fingers present issues when trying to bar chords! Thanks!
Neil Stubbings Campbelltown, New South Wales
Is any of Uriah Heep's music still available as printed sheet music?
Alan Keetley - Granada, Spain
Hi Mick, I absolutely adore the Rock and roll medley on live 73. Is there any chance we will ever hear it played live again in the future? If not, why not?
Dougie - Berwick Upon Tweed, UK
Mick, do you think the UK tour will happen ?
Damian Muir - Christchurch , New Zealand
Hi Mick I am along time fan from here in NZ . We here in Christchurch would love to see Uriah Heep play again in Nz . I now it’s a big ask but when this COVID thing is over give it some consideration . Cheers from Gary’s home town .
Phil - Cardiff, UK
Hi Mick, do you remember visiting us in Cardiff when John was with Heep? I remember you being a lovely, down to earth guy. You had an early hand-held computer game (Perseus?) with you. I was just a little kid at the time so I was all over it. Wishing you many more.
'Appy Days! Phil Sloman
Carlos Naldoni Poços de Caldas , Brazil
Hello Mick! In comparison with contemporary hard rock bands like Deep Purple, Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath, etc., it seems to me that Uriah Heep gives a special attention to the arrangements, since the early works untill now. Having in mind that you are the only member to figure on all the band's albums, despite al the line-up changes, my question is: are you the man behind the arrangements? What's the approach of the band in terms of arrangement?
John - Toledo, Ohio USA
Hello Mick! Is there any chance that we might see more releases in the "Official Bootleg" series? And if so, would there be any live shows from past lineups, like with John Lawton or Peter Goalby?
Carlos - Florida, USA
What do you do when not playing the guitar? any hobbies? what music do you like? politics (forget it if this is sensitive)? Any remarkable memories from a particular show?
What bands do you listen to?
When did you realize you guys had made it?
Paul - Newport, Wales
Hi Mick,is there any news on the UK tour in November,I've got tickets for the Cardiff show.
BK Sevcik Tonsberg - Norway
Hello Mick. I have a question about David Byron. Did you ever try to get him back in Heep after Hensley left? Did he participate in anything else in the period leading up to his death?
Phil - Middlesex - UK
Dear Mick ,
Salisbury any thoughts on this forgotten time piece please
God Bless , Phil
Jonas - New Jersey, USA
Hey Mick, I miss you guys playing in NYC... I know it will take a long time for you guys be able to come to NYC again because of the pandemic. Why don’t you guys make a Live concert by instagram or Facebook for fans worldwide be able to watch you guys ?
John Channing, - UK
Any truth in the rumor that you wanted ex-Mott The Hoople singer Ian Hunter as a Heep vocalist years ago ?, that would have been an interesting combination !!
Wayne - N. Island, New Zealand
Could Uriah Heep play New Zealand ?
Ed - Pennsylvania, USA
Could you please show yourself wearing the vest I made for you. It really mean the world to me. Appy Days!!
Phillip - Flensburg, Germany
Hi Mick! Is there a possibility for a release of the unreleased sessions with Gregg Dechert and the Ridge Farm Sessions with Peter Goalby?
Andy Martin - Doncaster uk
Which of the venues in Newcastle you have played at, has the best memories.
Simon - Tel Aviv Israel
Hello Mr Box
Uriah Heep is my favorite rock band since 1983 .
Your musical way is full with the moments of joy for sure .
If you can go back in time . In what moment with band you will like to be? And if there is something you would like to change if you can ?
Dennis - New Jersey USA
Mick, I've been a heep fan since 1973, do you have any plans of a us tour? Would love to see the mighty Heep again.
Jodie - Flushing, Michigan USA
I'm so impressed with you and your
band. What or who contributes to all of
you being such a humble and kind band. Forever grateful
Dave, Ohio USA
Mick - how have you protected your ears all these years
and what you recommend for musicians that play loud ?